Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal is addressing a press meet ahead of the municipal polls in the national capital, which are scheduled for April 23. The AAP, and Congress, seek to dethrone the BJP, which has ruled civic bodies in Delhi for nearly 10 years. Mr Kejriwal is speaking about the recent EVM controversy reported from Madhya Pradesh wherein machines with the Voter Verified Audit Slip Facility or VVPATs were dispensing slips with the BJP symbol irrespective of which button was pressed. Earlier, after the UP election results were announced, Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati has accused the Centre of EVM tampering. The matter was also raised by the opposition parties of Congress, AAP and Trinamool Congress.
Here are the live updates of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's press conference:
- The law says you can't move the EVMs 45 days after polls.
- What was the compulsion of the EC to blatantly break the law and move the Kanpur machine to Bhind?
- That means there can be other machines that also took votes just for the BJP.
- Earlier when EVMs were tampered, you could see if your vote went to other party, thanks to the light.
- Now they have tweaked the software so much that the light is correct but the vote goes to the wrong party.
- It also appears that not all machines but some machines were tampered and they were placed critically.
- The EC says the software of EMVs are not over-writable. We want these machines handed to us and we will get it tested by our own experts.
- This is a matter of the entire country's faith. It raises serious questions on the EC's integrity.
- All elections are under threat. People will lose their faith in the voting system.
- Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia: The EC needs to investigate why the machine that came from UP, voted for BJP no matter which button you pressed. Questions have been raised on the EC's intent. Look at how that officer bullied reporters, threatening them with locking them up in the jail. Advanced countries all over the world have rejected EVMs. Why? This is not a malfunction. This is an intentional bug that has been added to the machine.
- Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal: We are challenging the EC. EC says software cannot be overwritten. We challenge them: Under camera, in presence of your officers, give us the machines for 72 hours - we will show you how the software can be overwritten.
- Its not about our josh. It is about the faith of the people. People are asking me why should we vote if our votes aren't counted. There is no other way than going back to paper ballots. Democracy is under threat.
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