This Article is From Dec 04, 2016

Live: Growing Arc Of Terrorism Endangers Our Entire Region, Says PM Modi At The Heart Of Asia Conference

All India
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold bilateral talks with Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani on the sidelines of Heart of Asia Conference in Amritsar.
Dec 04, 2016 15:49 (IST)
Silence, Inaction Will Embolden Terrorists And Their Masters: PM Modi At Heart of Asia Summit

At the Heart of Asia Summit today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi issued a call to action to wipe out terror networks, saying they were endangering the entire region. Fourteen nations are participating in the summit, which was inaugurated by PM Modi and Afghanistan president Ashraf Ghani.

Dec 04, 2016 13:10 (IST)
Dec 04, 2016 13:09 (IST)
Dec 04, 2016 13:03 (IST)
Dec 04, 2016 13:03 (IST)
Commitment To Afghanistan Unwavering And Absolute: PM Modi

  • We should also work for stronger positive connectivity with Afghanistan and other countries.
  • Afghanistan should be at the centre of our connectivity.
  • With Afghanistan lies the regional arteries of trade for growth and progress of our region.
  • On India's part, our commitment to our Afghan brothers and sisters absolute and unwavering.
  • Our joint efforts should be to nurture the young seeds of Afghanistan, to build infrastructure and educational institutions.
  • Herat, also called Salma Dam, launched a few months ago, will help people economically.
  • India-Afghanistan-Iran cooperation on Chabahar will help Afghanistan to connect its economy to the rest of the world.
  • We also plan to connect India and Afghanistan through an air corridor. I have spoken to President Ghani.
  • Development in place of need, security in place of terrorism. Let us decorate in making Afghanistan a region of peace. A place where democracy and prosperity prevail.
Dec 04, 2016 12:10 (IST)
Must Counter Terror And Their Masters, Says PM Modi In Amritsar

  • At stake is not just the future of Afghanistan - its democracy and pluralism.
  • Terrorism is the biggest threat to Afghanistan's peace and our region.
  • We must counter terrorists and their masters.
  • We must demonstrate strong collective will to defeat terror network that cause bloodshed and spread fear.
Dec 04, 2016 11:53 (IST)
Committed To Durable Peace And Political Stability In Afghanistan: PM Modi

  • Thank President Ghani for accepting the invitation and addressing the Conference.
  • A pleasure to jointly inaugurate this Conference with our friend and partner.
  • Privilege to welcome all of you to Amritsar, a city blessed with simplicity, beauty and spirituality.
  • It is a city whose character has been shaped by proud patriotism and generous philanthropy of its residents.
  • Since the turn of the century, international community has extensively engaged in Afghanistan.
  • Our gathering reaffirms commitment to durable peace and political stability in Afghanistan.
  • We must build on the gains of the last 15 years and march ahead.
  • We have no doubt of the scale of the challenges. But we have the capacity to succeed.
  • The need of the hour is to stand our ground.
Dec 04, 2016 11:36 (IST)
India's Support To Afghanistan Comes With No Strings Attached: Ashraf Ghani

  • Thank you for the visit to the Golden Temple.
  • PM Modi, you have honoured us by visiting Afghanistan twice.
  • This is a relationship between world's largest democracy and a country committed to uphold democratic rights of people.
  • India's support impressive in both care and delivery.
  • It's transparent and with no strings attached.
  • It's based on shared values and beliefs.
  • India's support to Afghanistan comes with no strings attached, the relationship is based on shared values and beliefs.
  • Confidence of investments in Afghanistan can have impact around Asia.
  • We must confront the fifth spectrum in the room which is terrorism.
  • Criminal economic network settling on drugs, closely 30 groups recognised as terrorist groups, military operations in Pakistan, the response of the states has been fragmented.
  • One of the key figures of the Taliban said that if they didn't have refuge in Pakistan then they wouldn't function.
  • Pakistan needs to verify cross-border activities.

Dec 04, 2016 11:29 (IST)
Afghanistan Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani Addresses Dignitaries At Heart Of Asia Summit

  • Grateful to India for hosting conference.
  • India continues to play a key role in Afghanistan's sustainable development.
  • Lingering threats of terrorism and radicalism continue to hover around us.
Dec 04, 2016 11:26 (IST)
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley Welcomes Dignitaties To The Heart Of Asia Summit

  • Happy to see delegations from guest countries.
  • India is happy to host this conference.
  • We are ready to do whatever it takes for the development and economic prosperity of Afghanistan in the Heart of Asia.

Dec 04, 2016 10:54 (IST)
Bilateral talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani last for an hour.

Dec 04, 2016 10:18 (IST)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi holds bilateral talks with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in Amritsar.

Dec 04, 2016 09:47 (IST)
Pakistan's Foreign Affairs Advisor Sartaj Aziz called on Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on the sidelines of the Heart of Asia Conference.

Dec 04, 2016 08:00 (IST)

Pakistani Foreign Affairs Advisor Sartaj Aziz arrived in Amritsar yesterday to attend the Heart of Asia conference with speculation rife on whether India and Pakistan will have bilateral talks on the sidelines of the conclave.

Dec 04, 2016 07:41 (IST)
PM Narendra Modi Visits Golden Temple With Afghan President, Serves Langar

PM Modi and Mr Ghani walked through the renovated heritage corridor before reaching Harmandir Sahib, popularly known as Golden Temple, where large number of people, waiting for hours, welcomed them.
