We cage animals, we test on animals, we hunt animals, we kill animals. The scale and intensity of animal suffering is far greater than any other form of suffering and yet it is a suffering that goes unnoticed by most of us. Despite this animal harm and exploitation on a massive scale, financial support for animal welfare causes is less than 1 per cent of the amount that comes in for human causes.
It's now time to fight for the dignity of animal life. It's now time to treat all sentient beings with compassion. Join hands with the India Animal Fund Freedom For All campaign to help animals.
Here are the Highlights of #FreedomForAll Telethon:

The two-hour special #FreedomForAll telethon might have culminated but you can still donate for rescue and relief efforts. Donate to support the cause that resonates with you. Donate for #FreedomForAll: https://special.ndtv.com/freedom-for-all-108/donate-now

- Make informed choices about what you eat and what you buy - don't just keep doing what you have been doing for years out of habit. I would recommend to the audience that they watch a few world class documentaries - the game changers, Earthlings and Slay.
- Keep a bowl of water and food everyday for an animal on the street. I do this every morning and it is a wonderful start to the day.
- Please support India animal fund. Every rupee that we receive will improve the life of an animal.

Thank you, donors. Your supports means a lot to the animals who only have our support. Keep these donations coming. To know more, click here.

Animal welfare should concern us all. Human health issues, environmental degradation, global warming and challenges of animal well-being are all interconnected. There is an imminent need to be aware of and to adopt a one-health approach. For one to be healthy, the planet and all living beings on it need to be healthy. Show your support, donate now.
Often when people spot an animal in need of help, the first thought is of sending it to an animal shelter. But the shelters face many challenges themselves. NDTV's Sohit Mishra brings us this report from Karjat on the reality of shelters in India.
You too can support animals by donating for their welfare. To know more, click here: https://special.ndtv.com/freedom-for-all-108/donate-now

You can also help reduce animal exploitation and suffering in India by becoming a part of #FreedomForAll campaign and donating to support an animal you love. To donate, click here.

All the animals around us need our support, deserve everything that we can do for them. And from my side, I'm happy to contribute 10 lakhs to the India Animal Fund to support everything that they plan to do for the animals.

For one to be healthy, the planet and all living beings on it need to be healthy. It is now time to treat all sentient beings with compassion.

You can help reduce animal exploitation and suffering in India by becoming a part of #FreedomForAll campaign and donating to support an animal you love. To donate, click here.