Heavy rain hit several parts of north India on Saturday, including Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana Delhi, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan. In Punjab, an alert has been sounded in several districts after excess water was released from Bhakra dam following heavy rain. Hundreds of people were stranded in Himachal Pradesh after heavy rainfall triggered landslides and snapped roads, officials said on Sunday. Traffic was hit on 68 roads across the state, news agency IANS reported. The weather office has forecast heavy rain in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Odisha and Jharkhand for today.
Here are the Highlights on rain across North India:
At least 18 people were killed and nine others injured due to rain-related incidents in Himachal Pradesh on Sunday, officials said.
Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand Flood: At least 18 people are missing after a flood in the Tons River washed away around 20 houses in Uttarakhand's Uttarkashi district on Sunday.
Himachal Pradesh: A portion of the bridge over Beas river in Akhara Bazaar area of Kullu town collapses after the water level in the river increases due to heavy rainfall in the region. pic.twitter.com/nLtW1L5UWP
- ANI (@ANI) August 18, 2019
Train Services On Shimla-Kalka Route Hit By Landslides
Train services between Shimla and Kalka were disrupted on Sunday after multiple landslides blocked the rail route in Himachal Pradesh, a rail official said. A Shimla-bound train from Kalka had started at 3 am but had to be terminated midway. The services are likely to resume on Monday after the track is cleared.
Three members of a family were killed when the roof of their house collapsed after heavy rains in Punjab's Khanna town, the police said today.
Surjit Singh (35), his wife Baljinder Kaur (32) and their son Gurpreet Singh (9) were killed in the incident on Saturday. Their 10-year-old daughter escaped unhurt.
- Vehicular movement on 323 routes affected, with Kangra, Kullu and Chamba being the worst affected districts
- Water in most dams, including Bhakra, Pong and Pandoh, remained close to the danger level
- Most towns received heavy rains since last night with Kangra recording 118.0 mm, Dharamsala 115.6 mm, Dalhousie 84.0 mm, Chamba 65 mm and Shimla 40.0 mm.
Himachal Pradesh: Portion of the road in Balichowki area of Mandi district damaged due to continuous rainfall in the area. pic.twitter.com/YxpNmqKSCi
- ANI (@ANI) August 18, 2019
Heavy rain hit parts of Rajasthan on Saturday, leading to floods in several places. Several rivers and dams are overflowing and the district authorities are on high alert. Eleven districts in the state received more than average rain, the weather office said."