A day after staking claim to form government in Andhra Pradesh, YSR Congress Party chief Jagan Mohan Reddy met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi. Mr Reddy, whose party achieved a landslide victory in Andhra Pradesh on Thursday, had an hour-long meeting with the PM where he discussed the issues of special category status to Andhra Pradesh and the state's financial situation and sought central funds.
After visiting PM Modi, he is expected to interact with Andhra Bhawan officials in the capital, news agency PTI said.
Mr Reddy will take oath as Andhra Chief Minister on May 30 in Vijayawada. Earlier today, he was unanimously elected as the leader of the YSRC legislature party.
The YSR Congress Party had a spectacular performance in both the state elections and the Lok Sabha polls. Mr Reddy's party had won 151 of 175 assembly and 22 of the 25 Lok Sabha seats in Andhra Pradesh, the elections for which were held on April 11. For the elections, Jagan Reddy had centred his campaign around the Special Category Status for the state. He was elected to the state Assembly with the highest margin of over 90,000 votes while Malladi Vishnu of his party won the election with lowest margin of 25 votes.
Here are the LIVE updates of Jagan Mohan Reddy's meeting with PM Modi:
After securing a big election win, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister elect Jagan Mohan Reddy met Prime Minister Narendra.
#WATCH: YSRCP Chief Jaganmohan Reddy arrives in Delhi. He will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi today. pic.twitter.com/ip3nQilyyU
- ANI (@ANI) May 26, 2019