West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is now addressing Trinamool Congress's (TMC) mega Martyrs' Day rally in Kolkata today. This rally is organised by TMC every year on July 21 in the memory of the 13 youth Congress activists killed in police firing in 1993 in which lakhs of people from across the state participate. All eyes are on Mamata Banerjee, as she may kick off campaign for West Bengal assembly elections that would be held in 2021. Mamata Banerjee spoke against the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) and said that there must be a return to the ballot box. Poll strategist Prashant Kishor and his team are expected to be present at the rally to understand the mindset of the people of West Bengal before the 2021 state Assembly election.
Here are the Highlights from Mamata Banerjee's Kolkata rally:
The Trinamool Congress is all set to hold an annual show of strength today with a mega Martyrs' Day rally in Kolkata where Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is expected to kick offpoll campaign for the state elections likely to be held in 2021."
- Union Minister Babul Supriyo said that Trinamool Congress will be "swept away" from West Bengal by 2021.
- He tweeted, "They became half in 2019 and they will be swept away by 2021."
- On Saturday, West Bengal BJP chief Dilip Ghosh said that Trinamool's rally would be "Didi's Circus".
- "All will be there to see 'Didi's drama and circus'. Will anyone from here go tomorrow to see a circus? No gates, no flags, what is going on, I can't understand. Will that be a winning festival or a condolence meeting?" asked Dilip Ghosh.