Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting Odisha and Kerala today as Lok Sabha elections are nearing. He arrived in Odisha's Balangir earlier today. "There is something special about Odisha, that draws me to the state so often!" he said on the micro-blogging site Twitter on Monday. This was PM Modi's third visit to Odisha in three weeks. PM Modi launched a slew of infrastructure projects in Balangir worth Rs 1,550 crore. Odisha goes to state polls this year along with the general elections due in May. PM Modi will also visit Kerala's Kollam and Thiruvananthapuram today. In Kollam, PM Modi will inaugurate the Kollam bypass on NH-66. PM Modi will visit the Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Thiruvananthapuram. This will be the third official visit of the Prime Minister to Kollam.
Here are the LIVE UPDATES of PM Modi's visit to Odisha and Kerala:
- For a few months, the entire nation has been talking about Sabarimala. The conduct of Kerala's LDF Government on the Sabarimala issue will go down in history as one of the most shameful behaviours by any party and government.
- We knew that the Communist don't respect Indian history, culture and spirituality, but nobody imagined they would have such hatred.
- In 4 years, We have made the transition from being one of the fragile five nations to the fastest growing large economy.
- 4 years back, did anyone even think of improving Ease of Doing Business rankings? In 4 years, we have moved up from rank 142 to rank 77, one of the fastest improvements in the world.
- 4 years back, did anyone even think that India could attract more FDI than China? In 4 years, India has surpassed China in attracting FDI.
- 4 years back, did anyone think that India could become a mobile manufacturing hub? In 4 years, the number of mobile manufacturing units has gone up from 2 to over 120. 4 years back, did anyone think that India could be a global leader in start-ups?
- In 4 years, India is home to one of the biggest start-up eco-systems in the world. 4 years back, did anyone think that India could have the world's largest health insurance program?
- Kerala has shown that when people work hard, nothing is impossible. There is both Shakti and Bhakti here.
- Few days back I had a great interaction with BJP workers via NaMo app. The centre stood shoulder to shoulder with the state at the time of flood.
- Kollam Bypass will reduce travel time and decongest traffic in Kollam town. This project is part of our focus to ensure next-generation infrastructure. It will boost ease of living for people of Kerala.
- India is growing rapidly. This is powered by the hard-work and talent of the people of our nation. From economy to ease of doing business and from start-ups to satellites, we are achieving great progress in each sector.
- We have often seen that infrastructure projects get stalled for various reasons. Public money is wasted due to cost & time over-runs.
- We decided that this culture of wastage of public money cannot continue. Through PRAGATI, we are accelerating projects & overcoming problems.
- I was surprised to see that some projects are delayed by 20 to 30 years. Till now, I have reviewed more than 250 projects worth approximately 12 lakh crore rupees under PRAGATI
- From national highways to rural roads, pace of construction has almost doubled as compared to the previous government.
- When we construct roads and bridges, we do not only connect towns and villages. We also connect aspirations with achievements, optimism with opportunities and hope with happiness
- Today, I will inaugurate a project at Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Thiruvananthapuram. I will also seek blessings from Lord Padmanabhaswamy for the welfare of people of Kerala and other parts of the country.
- Once in Kollam, one never misses home. I share the same feeling. I thank people of Kollam and Kerala for their love and affection.
- The 13 km Kollam bypass project was delayed for 43 years.