Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in Gujarat today and is inaugurating several projects and participating in programmes. At a public meeting at Jujwa village of Valsad district, PM Modi saw the collective, e-Gruhpravesh, and beneficiaries of the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (Gramin), a flagship scheme of the government that seeks "housing for all". Over a lakh homes have been built in the state under this scheme, and the beneficiaries in 26 districts will get a reason to celebrate soon, a statement said. At Valsad, beneficiaries from five districts of south Gujarat -- Valsad, Navsari, Tapi, Surat and Dangs -- will gather, while at the remaining districts, collective "Gruh-Pravesh" will be celebrated at the block level. Later, PM Modi will deliver the convocation address of the Gujarat Forensic Sciences University at Gandhinagar before attending a meeting of the Somnath Trust.
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The one lakh houses given away to women under the flagship Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (rural) scheme in Gujarat's Valsad district is a Rakshabandhan gift, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said. At an event in Jujwa village, PM Modi also spoke on video to women across 26 districts who are the beneficiaries of these houses.