Prime Minister Narendra Modi has arrived at Arun Jaitley's residence to ask him to reconsider his earlier decision and remain in the government. Arun Jaitley had written to the Prime Minister, excusing himself from any responsibility in the coming months, saying he was under doctors' orders to take care of his health. PM Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah also met for nearly three hours today evening, just a day ahead of the new government's grand oath taking ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan. PM and the BJP president met for a second time in the last two days to discuss members of the cabinet.
Sources have told NDTV that PM Modi is expected to call ministers-designate tomorrow morning for tea at this residence. PM Modi and Amit Shah will be the only two leaders dialing lawmakers to inform them they will be ministers.
Here are the LIVE updates on PM Modi's meeting with Arun Jaitley:
Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives at the residence of Arun Jaitley.
- ANI (@ANI) May 29, 2019
Arun Jaitley has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi that he will "not be part of any responsibility, for the present, in the new government" because of his health. The former finance minister also tweeted a copy of his letter to PM Modi, a day before his oath ceremony on Thursday."
I have today written a letter to the Hon'ble Prime Minister, a copy of which I am releasing:
- Arun Jaitley (@arunjaitley) May 29, 2019