Political leaders have condemned the incident in which a 26-year-old veterinarian was burnt to death and her body was found near Hyderabad on Thursday. Four people have been taken into custody and the police suspect that she may have been raped before she was murdered.
The 26-year-old veterinarian had gone missing on Wednesday night after she left from her workplace and was headed home. Investigations revealed that on her way back, she stopped at a toll booth, parked her bike there and took a cab to visit a dermatologist. In a CCTV clip, she is seen on a bike near a toll booth in Shamshabad, on the outskirts of Hyderabad.
When she returned to the toll booth at around 9 pm on Wednesday, she found her two-wheeler punctured. On Thursday morning, her clothes, handbag, footwear and a liquor bottle were found by the police near the toll booth where she had parked her bike.