In a huge embarrassment for the Yogi Adityanath Government, the Supreme Court today transferred all the five cases involving the Unnao rape survivor out of Uttar Pradesh to Delhi. The court also directed the Uttar Pradesh government to pay interim compensation of Rs 25 lakh to the rape survivor by tomorrow. A bench, headed by Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi, also said the CBI probe into the car crash must be completed in seven days and the rape case in 45 days.
The teenager is battling for her life after a car crash on Sunday. The top court also said the CBI's probe into the car crash must be completed in seven days.
Earlier today, the top court had asked the "responsible" officer of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to appear before it and give details on the status of rape case and the car crash.The CBI is investigating both the cases.
A letter by the teen rape survivor and her family to Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi - sent on July 12 - alleging grave danger to them was taken up by the Supreme Court, four days after the girl was critically injured and two of her aunts died in the crash that her family alleges was planned by the man she has accused of rape, jailed lawmaker Kuldeep Singh Sengar, who now has been expelled by the party.
Sengar is accused by the teen of sexually assaulting her when she went to his Unnao home for a job in 2017. He was arrested in April last year, days after the girl threatened to set herself ablaze in front of UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's home in Lucknow if the police didn't file her complaint.
Here are the highlights on Supreme Court hearing on Unnao rape case:
#BreakingNews | Supreme Court directs CRPF protection to the #Unnao survivor, her mother and four siblings.
- NDTV (@ndtv) August 1, 2019
Close family members of lawyer Mahesh Singh. to be given security as well: Supreme Court.
Live updates
In a letter dated 15th July, Mahendra Singh, lawyer of Unnao rape survivor, wrote to Unnao District Magistrate (DM) to urgently grant him a weapon license. Letter states, "I have apprehension that I could be murdered in future."
- ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) August 1, 2019
#JustIn | Rape-accused lawmaker Kuldeep Sengar expelled from BJP. Here's what we know.
- NDTV (@ndtv) August 1, 2019
Unnao rape&accident: Solicitor General T Mehta informs CJI that he spoke with CBI directorOfficers investigating the case are in Lucknow&it wouldn't be possible for them to reach Delhi by 12 PM. He asks if it could be taken up tomorrow, CJI refuses to adjourn matter for tomorrow.
- ANI (@ANI) August 1, 2019