The contentious bill banning the practice of instant Triple Talaq was passed by the Lok Sabha today after a heated debated. Union Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said the the bill was about gender justice as the government introduced the law in the Lok Sabha. The opposition fiercely protested against certain the bill in its current form, contending that it would end up victimising Muslims. The new law provides for a three-year jail term for Muslim men who get an instant divorce by uttering "Talaq" thrice. The ruling BJP had issued a whip to its lawmakers, asking them to be present in the lower house for the voting.
While the bill had a smooth passage through Lok Sabha, roadblocks are expected in the Rajya Sabha where the government lacks the numbers needed to pass a bill on its own. A chunk of parties, including Naveen Patnaik's Biju Janata Dal and Andhra Pradesh's ruling YSR Congress will object to the bill in the Rajya Sabha. Even ally Nitish Kumar has said his Janata Dal United will oppose it.
Meanwhile, the Right To Information (RTI) bill proposing significant changes to the transparency law was passed by the Rajya Sabha test despite the opposition's objections, with the government bringing the fence-sitters on board. Non-aligned parties like the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) and the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) agreed to support the RTI bill.
Here are the LIVE updates on the Parliament session:
The Right to Information (RTI) bill seeking significant changes to the transparency law is set to pass the Rajya Sabha test despite the opposition's objections, with the government bringing the fence-sitters on board. Prime Minister Narendra Modi reportedly spoke to Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik for the support of his Biju Janata Dal (BJD)
The contentious bill that would criminalise instant triple talaq was passed by the Lok Sabha today.
"Now there are demands that bring a law against mob lynchings, Isn't there a section on murder, on conspiracy? Isn't the court punishing in cases of mob lynchings? If incidents of mob lynchings are taking place then action is also being taken"
"There have been 345 cases of triple talaq after the judgment till July 24. Should we leave these women on roads? I am a minister in Narendra Modi government and not in Rajiv Gandhi government"
Azam Khan, the Samajwadi Party lawmaker notorious for running his mouth, today struck parliament with a sexist comment directed at the Chair during a debate on the government's bill to ban instant triple talaq. The Lok Sabha erupted with demands for Azam Khan's apology even as Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav defended him
Triple Talaq Bill in Lok Sabha: Government Has Unequivocally Stood For The Shah Banos Of This Country, Says Kirron Kher
BJP lawmaker Kirron Kher said the practice of Triple Talaq is an insult to the Indian legal system. Nearly all Muslim countries have banned the practice of instant Triple Talaq, she said. Citing a national survey by Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan, she said that 92.1 per cent of Muslim women want a total ban on unilateral divorce. Taking aim at the opposition, Ms Kher said their arguments against the bill lack substance.
"I don't think Azam Khan ji meant any disrespect to the chair (Rama Devi). These (BJP MPs) people are so rude, who are they to raise fingers?"
Uproar in Lok Sabha over SP MP Azam Khan's comment on BJP MP Rama Devi(in the chair) , he said 'Aap mujhe itni acchi lagti hain ki mera mann karta hai ki aap ki aankhon mein aankhein dale rahoon'. Ministers ask Khan to apologize.
- ANI (@ANI) July 25, 2019
"Women of this country are the biggest minority. Let us give them gender justice....We need to encourage brotherhood which is only possible when we look beyond caste and religious lines," she said.
K Suresh, Congress MP: Y'day night they put in Triple Talaq Bill in today's agenda & postponed National Medical Commission Bill and DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill without knowledge of opposition. Why are they keeping it secret & putting in agenda at night?
- ANI (@ANI) July 25, 2019