As the doctors' strike in West Bengal has entered the fifth day today, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has said she accepts all valid demands of the protesting doctors and requested them to return to work. Ms Banerjee, addressing the media this evening, said "State government is committed towards resuming normal medical services at the soonest." The doctors' stir has now spread to other parts of the country. Nearly 300 doctors resigned from the government hospitals in West Bengal on Friday amid protests against an attack on their colleagues. Junior doctors in West Bengal are on a strike since Tuesday after two of their colleagues were attacked and seriously injured allegedly by relatives of a patient who died at NRS Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata.
Here are the highlights of the Doctors' protest across India:
West Bengal CM, Mamata Banerjee: I do not want to invoke Essential Services Maintenance (ESMA) Act in the state. I want the junior doctors to resume work as we have accepted all their demands.
- ANI (@ANI) 15 June 2019