Yogi Adityanth, who was sworn-in as Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister on March 19, addressed his first public meeting as the state's chief. He addressed a rally in Gorakhpur, his hometown, where he returned nearly a week after he was appointed the Chief Minister of India's most populous state. The BJP came to power in UP with a massive victory on March 11, when the counting of votes took place after a major five-state Assembly elections ended. Large hoardings were put up on the street in Gorakhpur for his grand welcome. Before the public function, Mr Adityanath had met his supporters, and later, district officials. The state's former Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav today took a jibe on the 44-year-old leader, saying "The Chief Minister has said he is one year older than me. I say you (Adityanath) may be older in age but are far behind in terms of work." This was Mr Yadav's retort to Mr Adityanath's jab in Lok Sabha earlier this week.
Here are the live updates of Yogi Adityanath's speech:
Here are the live updates of Yogi Adityanath's speech:
- I am thankful to the 22 crore people of UP who gave the BJP, on the insistence of the world's most popular politician PM Modi and Amit Shah, a chance to form the government.
- PM Modi's development programmes are being made available to all the citizens. He has entrusted me with the responsibility to make the dreams of the state true.
- Brain drain was a problem, businessmen were moving out, women and anganwadi workers continue their protests.
- PM Modi was worried how to fix things in UP, how to develop this huge state.
- He had laid foundation for a fertilizer company and AIIMS hospital. Now we are confident that the population of the state will not feel left out.
- Amit Shah has been instrumental in making the BJP the world's most important political party and popular in UP. The result is in front of us.
- It's not just a position for me, we are also responsible for the well-being of the state and its populace.
- I would request you all to thank the BJP leadership, PM Modi and hardworking members for this landslide victory.
- Sabka saath and sabka vikas ki raah pe chalenge.
- I promise and will ensure there would be no discrimination based on caste, creed or colour community.
- PM wants that every citizen must benefit from the schemes of the government. We all are just representatives to realise his dream.
- I might not be available in Gorakhpur as much as I would want to, but a solution would be provided for all the problems.
- We would dedicate ourselves to the service of the state.
- No new decisions will be taken which were not mentioned in the manifesto.
- We will fulfil all our promises.
- UP will be turned into a developed state.
- We need your support to make that happen.
- We are devoted to the state, there would be no corruption.
- Goondaraaj will end and there will be no place for lawlessness in Uttar Pradesh. For this, Gorakhpur has been a laboratory for such work where crime was brought down. This model will be emulated in the rest of the state.
- Under PM Modi's leadership, we will develop the state.
- We will keep coming back to you asking for your support and feedback.
- Safety will be guaranteed, we want your blessings and support.
- I am one of you and I will work for all the parts of UP, not just Gorakhpur or eastern UP.
- Your support will be my strength to ensure law and order, safety.
- Josh mein hosh na khone ki stithi aani nahi chahiye.
- We have formed anti-romeo sqauds destructive minds, eve-teasers will be dealt with
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