LK Advani and other top leaders of the BJP including Murli Manohar Joshi and Uma Bharti will be tried for criminal conspiracy in the demolition of the 16th-century Babri Masjid, the Supreme Court ruled today, agreeing with a request from the Central Bureau of Investigation or CBI in its case over the razing of the disputed mosque on December 6, 1992. The incident had sparked deadly riots across India that killed around 2,000 people. "We have allowed the CBI appeal against the Allahabad High Court judgement with certain directions," a bench comprising Justices PC Ghose and RF Nariman said.
Here are the top 10 points from the judgement in the Babri Masjid demolition case:
CBI's appeal in Babri mosque demolition case allowed, criminal conspiracy charge against LK Advani and other BJP leaders restored.
Two separate cases (in Lucknow and Raebareli) against LK Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi, Uma Bharti and unknown 'kar sevaks' in will be brought together in one trial.
The trial court in Lucknow must complete the hearing in two years and deliver a verdict.
Kalyan Singh (who was the chief minister of UP in 1992) enjoys constitutional immunity as Rajasthan Governor and can be tried only after he leaves office.
Lucknow court should conduct trial in these cases on a day-to-day basis.
No party shall be granted adjournments without the sessions judge being satisfied of the reasons for it.
CBI will have to ensure that at least one prosecution witness appears in trial court for recording of testimony.
Trial judge hearing the Babri mosque case shall not be transferred till the judgement is delivered.
Lucknow trial court to commence proceedings in four weeks and there will be no 'de novo' (fresh) trial.
Order should be followed in letter and spirit and parties involved have the liberty to approach the top court if its directions are not followed.