Jaya Prada, BJP's candidate in Uttar Pradesh's Rampur, on Saturday reminisced her time in the city when she was the Samajwati Party's face and Azam Khan was not her personal and political rival. In an emotional speech at a poll rally, the actor-turned-politician said she called Mr Khan, an influential Uttar Pradesh leader, her brother but he wished ill of her.
"Azam Khan sahab, I called you my brother, but you wished ill of me in the name of calling me your sister. Do our brothers look at us as a dancer? That is why I wanted to leave Rampur," she was quoted by news agency ANI.
Jaya Prada won the general election in 2004 and 2009 on the Samajwadi Party ticket. She was dismissed from the party in 2010 over the allegation of anti-party activities after Amar Singh, considered close to her, was shown the door.
Mr Khan, a former UP minister and Samajwadi Party candidate, in a sexist comment, had called her a dancer.
"I told Mulayam Singh Ji that my indecent images are being circulated in Rampur, save me. But no politician tried to save me. That was why I had to leave Rampur," she added.
She had contested the 2014 national poll in Bijnor, losing to BJP's Naipal Singh.
In a recent rally, she broke down, alleging she had been forced to leave Rampur because of attacks by Azam Khan.
"I left Rampur and active politics because they tried to attack me with acid," she had said.
Composing herself, she continued: "For the first time, I have the strength of the BJP behind me. I don't want to cry like before. I have the right to live, and I will, to serve you." She added that she felt "proud" to be in a party where women were protected and respected.
Polling in Rampur is scheduled in the third phase of the national election on April 23. The counting of votes will take place on May 23.
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