Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a political rally in Gujarat's Patan today, the last day of campaigning before the state's 26 Lok Sabha seats go to polls on April 23. BJP chief and Gandhinagar Lok Sabha candidate Amit Shah will hold a roadshow in Sanand area in his constituency on the last day of the campaign after meeting leaders from Ghatlodia and Vejalpur Assembly constituencies. PM Modi has so far addressed poll rallies in Junagadh, Songadh, Amreli, Himmatnagar, Surendranagar and Anand, while Congress chief Rahul Gandhi has addressed public gatherings at Vanthali in Junagadh, Bhuj is Kutch, Mahuva in Bhavnagar and Bardoli in south Gujarat. PM Modi will also address rallies in Rajasthan's Chittorgarh and Barmer today. Chittorgarh, a traditional BJP seat, was the flash point of the protests over the film Padmaavat last year. Today is the last day of election campaigning for Phase 3 of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections and respective Assembly polls. The campaigning for the April 23 polls will end at 5 pm today. On April 23, 115 Constituencies across 12 states and 2 Union Territories will go to polls.
Here are the Highlights from PM Modi's rallies and other election news today:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Sunday that people of the country have faith that he can tolerate attacks against himself and risk his political future but cannot let the nation down.
The BJP chief, Amit Shah, has the responsibility of overseeing the party's campaign across the country. His campaign in Gandhinagar, from where he is contesting, is happening largely in his absence. It is being conducted by a trusted backroom team, which has been campaigning from door-to-door, carrying life-size portraits of the BJP chief.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today condemned the bomb blasts in Sri Lanka in which 156 people died and 300 were injured. A string of six blasts hit five-star hotels and churches as worshippers attended Easter services.
Kerala: Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman holds a roadshow in Sultan Bathery, Wayanad. #LokSabhaElections2019
- ANI (@ANI) 21 April 2019