Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi will address a rally at the iconic Ramlila Maidan, his third today. All seven Lok Sabha seats in Delhi will also vote on Sunday, May 12. The BJP is expecting Muslim women and first-time voters to participate in PM Modi's rally in Delhi in large numbers. The party said it chose Ramila Maidan for the prime minister's rally considering its political significance and that the public meeting would be the largest-ever in Delhi.
Here are the highlights from PM Modi's rally in Delhi:
- Your one vote in 2014 brought necessary facilities to the people of the country. Now your next vote will strengthen the way to build a glorious India
- When it comes to India's culture, Congress puts a lock of votebank on its mouth
- I am working hard day and night with immense honesty for your service
- Congress called me "most stupid PM"
- The BJP government is committed for the respect of soldiers and farmers
- Our brave sons now enter the base of terrorists in Pakistan to kill them
- The terrorists who used to scare us now sit in fear
- Congress and their 'mahamilavati' (highly adulterated) allies have given up
- The Opposition's intention to form 'khichdi sarkar' (hoch-poch government) has fallen flat
- Your chowkidaar had promised the Sikh community that 1984 riots culprits will be punished. I am satisfied that the process of them being sentenced to death or life imprisonment has started
- This shameless Congress is awarding those who were a part of the crime. By making a person who is said to be involved in 1984 Anti-Sikh riots the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Congress has proved that it doesn't care about your sentiments
PM in Fatehabad, Haryana: This chowkidaar has taken the person who looted farmers to court. He is making rounds of ED&court to take bail. He used to think he is Shahenshah, now is nervous. I've already taken him to jail door.Give blessings & I'll put him in jail within next 5 yrs
- ANI (@ANI) 8 May 2019