Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be visiting two states today as part of the BJP's election campaign. With electioneering for the simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly polls in Odisha gaining, PM Modi addressed a public meeting in Kalahandi. PM Modi had started the BJP's election campaign in Odisha on March 29. Kalahandi is among the four Lok Sabha seats where the first phase of polling will be held on April 11. The BJP has set a target to win at least 120 of the 147 assembly seats in Odisha. In the 2014, BJP had won one of the 21 Lok Sabha and 10 of the 147 assembly seats in Odisha. Following his visit to Odisha, PM Modi will begin his campaign for the Lok Sabha elections in Bihar with rallies in Jamui and Gaya Lok Sabha seats, both of which go to polls in the first phase. At the rally in Gaya, PM Modi will share the stage with Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Union minister Ram Vilas Paswan and Deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi among others. Incidentally, neither of the two Lok Sabha segments is being contested by the BJP. With a total of 40 Lok Sabha seats, Bihar is considered politically important for the NDA to return to power.
Here are the highlights from PM Modi's rallies in Odisha and Bihar:
- The whole world is referring to our jab at terror, but the Malamilawatis (referring to opposition) say, 'Modi, give us proof'
- When Congress and its allies come to power, governance gets in the reverse gear
- No party neglected has BR Ambedkar more than the Congress
- 24 lakh houses in Odisha have got free electricity connection. After 70 years of independence, 3000 villages of Odisha got electricity for the first time
- All of these things weren't done by Modi. Modi is only a sewak. India's voters are the ones who made it happen
- What the Congress couldn't do in all these decades, I have achieved in only 5 years
- Parties like Congress and BJD conspired to keep the poor of the country poor. They deceived the poor. They treated them as vote-bank; and because of this, they don't know how many Dana Manjhis don't even get ambulance
- I have worked for you despite no cooperation from the state government. This chowkidar has taken advantage of Centre's schemes to help Odiyas
- I urge Odiyas to vote for the BJP and repeat history that was created by Uttar Pradesh in 2017 and Tripura in 2018
- BJD leaders have taken your votes for granted. They think they won't do a thing and despite that they would keep getting your votes. It's now the necessity that they be shown the truth