Billionaires and Bollywood stars are lining up to vote and elect lawmakers as part of fourth phase of the Lok Sabha elections 2019. In Mumbai, the Congress and its ally, Sharad Pawar's Nationalist Congress party or NCP, are trying to wrest the six seats from the BJP-Shiv Sena combine. Last time, the Sena won three seats and the BJP three. The Maximum City is set for several high-profile contests: the BJP's Poonam Mahajan versus Congress's Priya Dutt Mumbai North-Central; in Mumbai North, it is Congress's Urmila Matondkar versus sitting lawmaker Gopal Shetty. Congress leader Milind Deora is contesting from Mumbai South against Sena's sitting lawmaker Arvind Sawant. Overall, voters will decide on 72 seats spread across nine states. The star candidates whose electoral fortunes will be decided include six Union ministers. Among them are ministers Giriraj Singh, Subhash Bhamre, SS Ahluwalia, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, PP Chaudhary, Sudarshan Bhagat and Babul Supriyo. Former union ministers Salman Khurshid and Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury are also among the contestants. Polling for the seven-phase election ends on May 19, the counting of votes will be held on May 23.
Here are the Highlights of Lok Sabha election phase 4 in Mumbai:
Nothing feels better than making a contribution towards your country and carrying out your civic duty of Casting a Vote. Do your duty. 😊
- Urmila Matondkar (@OfficialUrmila) April 29, 2019
Raising the bar for the youth, senior citizens across the city are turning out in large numbers at the polling booths to vote. It is our pleasure to help them in every little way we can. #YourChoiceMatters #LetsVoteMumbai #LokSabhaElections2019 #लोकसभानिवडणूक२०१९
- Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) April 29, 2019
Another phase of the General Elections begins today. I hope those voting today do so in large numbers and break the voting records of the previous three phases.
- Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 29, 2019
A special appeal to young voters to head to the polling booth and exercise their franchise.