The SP-BSP-RLD alliance in Uttar Pradesh holding its joint campaign for the coming Lok Sabha elections today, holding its first rally in Saharanpur's Deoband. Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav and BSP chief Mayawati will address the Deoband meeting just days before Saharanpur and seven other western UP constituencies go to the polls in the first phase of the Lok Sabha elections on April 11.
"Mayawati will address the rally organised near Jamia Tibbiti Medical College in Deoband," a BSP spokesperson said. This will be the first joint public meeting by the three parties after they formed the alliance to take on the ruling BJP in the state which sends 80 MPs to the Lok Sabha.
Akhilesh Yadav and Mayawati will hold 11 joint rallies, including one in Mainpuri where SP founder Mulayam Singh Yadav is contesting polls, starting April 7 till May 16.
Here are the highlights of the Lok Sabha elections 2019:
Bhim Army supporters seen at Samajwadi Party-Bahujan Samaj Party-Rashtriya Lok Dal alliance rally in Saharanpur's Deoband. #LokSabhaElections2019
- ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) April 7, 2019
Villagers from Manoharpur in Saharanpur LS constituency have decided to boycott polls over 'no development', say,"There are many issues relating to electricity,water & roads. No politician has visited the village to address our issues.We need written assurance else we won't vote"
- ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) April 6, 2019