Two days after the Election Commission announced dates for Lok Sabha elections, the Congress party kick-started its campaign for the polls and conducted a brainstorming session, to give a final shape to the party's election strategy. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, Congress in-charge for eastern Uttar Pradesh is speaking at an an election rally in Gujarat. Now, Congress President Rahul Gandhi is speaking at the rally. Launching a sharp attack on PM Modi, Rahul Gandhi said that inspite of his schemes, young people are struggling to find jobs. He also accused the government of not waiving off farmers' loans despite their tall promises. Recounting demonetisation, Mr Gandhi said the step broke the backbone and entrepreneurial spirit of Gujarat. He also repeated his Rafale accusations against the government.
The national election will be held in seven rounds from 11 April and the results will be announced on May 23, the Election Commission said on Sunday. Voting will be held across India on April 11, April 19, April 23, April 29, May 6, May 12 and May 19.
The Congress Working Committee (CWC) has chosen Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home turf Gujarat for its high profile strategy meeting today.
Patidar quota agitation leader Hardik Patel also joined the Congress today in the presence of its chief Rahul Gandhi.
Meanwhile, the BJP has already kicked off its campaign, spearheaded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi across most states.
Here are the LIVE Updates from Election Campaigning:
"Anil Ambani Can't Even Make A Paper Plane": Rahul Gandhi's Rafale Jibe | Video | As Congress president Rahul Gandhi addressed a packed crowd in Gujarat's Gandhinagar after the Congress Working Committee meet today, the theme of his speech was clear as soon as he started speaking - target Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the Rafale fighter jet deal."
The Bhayankar Jumla Party's 2 1/2 men have failed to deliver jobs or relief to farmers and are now reduced to insults, and petty personal comments. Our coalition is a confluence of people and ideas committed to bringing about a #MahaParivartan to benefit the many.
- Akhilesh Yadav (@yadavakhilesh) March 12, 2019