Prime Minister Narendra Modi slammed the SP-BSP-RLD tie-up, saying the alliance of "opportunists" wants a helpless government because its mantra is ''Jaat, paat japna; janata ka maal apna'' (They talk about caste while looting people''s money).
He was speaking at an election rally in Kannauj, a day after filing his nomination from the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat for a second term. Modi attacked the alliance for attacking ''chowkidar'' and Ram bhakts and said it is a tie-up of opportunists and it was "mahamilawati".
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the public meeting in Kannauj, a day after filing his nomination from Varanasi. From Kannauj, PM Modi will travel to Hardoi and Sitapur to address rallies there.
PM Modi's visit to Kannauj comes a day after Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Akhilesh Yadav held a grand roadshow with his wife Dimple Yadav in the city. Dimple Yadav is re-contesting from the Kannauj Lok Sabha seat.
Here are the Highlights on PM Modi's election campaigns in Uttar Pradesh:
- Bua (Mayawati) and Babua (Akhilesh Yadav) cannot fight terrorism, as their governments had even failed to handle goons at the village level
- Congress party cannot fight terrorism as the party talks about "reducing the force in Jammu and Kashmir" and "doing away with the special rights given to our soldiers"
- The helpless and corrupt governments were not concerned about the common men. They were only concerned about their own interest
- The earlier governments were afraid that if they do something, then the world will impose sanctions
- This country didn't know my caste till my detractors abused me...I am thankful to Mayawatiji, Akhileshji (SP chief), Congress people and the ''mahamilavatis'' that they are discussing my caste...I believe that taking birth in a backward caste is an opportunity to serve the country
- Opposition wants a government at the Centre which is ''majboor'' (helpless) not ''majboot'' (strong) as it used to do before 2014
- Congress is saying that they will reduce presence of armed forces in Jammu and Kashmir.
- Congress wants to repeal sedition law too. Can people with such mentality remove terrorism and naxalism?
PM Modi addresses public meeting at Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh. Dial 9345014501 to listen LIVE. #ModiAaneWalaHai
- BJP (@BJP4India) April 27, 2019