Prime Minister Narendra Modi filed his nomination at the collectorate office for Varanasi Lok Sabha constituency in Uttar Pradesh today. Prior to that, the prime minister addressed a gathering of BJP workers and visited the famous Kal Bhairav temple in the city. Several top NDA leaders like Chief Minister of Bihar Nitish Kumar, Shiv Sena party chief Uddhav Thackrey, AIADMK's O Panneerselvam, Lok Janshakti Party president Ram Vilas Pawan, Shiromani Akali Dal's Parkash Singh were also in Varanasi today to support PM Narendra Modi's nomination
On Thursday, PM Modi held a mega roadshow in Varanasi and passed by ancient temples and ghats - the seven-kilometre-long roadshow took two-and-a-half hours and finally ended in the holiest ghat of them all, the Dashashwamedh. The prime minister also attended the evening aarti at this ghat on the banks of the river Ganga.
Here are the LIVE Updates on PM Modi in Varanasi:
Before filing my nomination papers, prayed at the temple of Bhagwan Kaal Bhairav, also revered as the Kotwal of Kashi.
- Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 26, 2019
Live: PM Modi files his nomination papers in #Varanasi from where he is seeking re-election#ElectionsWithNDTV #LokSabhaElections2019
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2019
PM Modi arrives at the District Magistrate's office to file his nomination papers in Varanasi
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2019
Had a great interaction with leaders of the NDA this morning.
- Chowkidar Amit Shah (@AmitShah) April 26, 2019
Sharing few pictures of our meeting.
"Whether I win or not is not important. It's the democracy that should win": PM Modi in Varanasi
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2019
- I want to tell you how to cut costs. Every party worker should be responsible for 10 families. Start visiting homes of these voters (as a part of door-to-door campaigns), have breakfast with them, they will offer you tea, you can read their newspaper. Without any expenses, you would be spreading the word.
- Also, avoid negativity. Read the NaMo App, especially the first time voters should.
- The post of PM is not for fun. It is not for the family members (nephews, daughters, etc). It is for the over 130 crore people of India.
- The mood is festive from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.
External Affairs Minister and BJP leader @SushmaSwaraj: The people of #Varanasi are very lucky as they are choosing the Prime Minister of India, while people of other constituencies are choosing their MPs (ANI)
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2019
Janata Dal United's Nitish Kumar and Lok Janshakti Party's Ram Vilas Paswan meet BJP chief Amit Shah during NDA leaders meet in Varanasi
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2019
Follow live coverage on and NDTV 24x7
(Photos: ANI)
"Newspapers haven't made us big": PM Modi in #Varanasi
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 26, 2019
Addressing BJP Karyakartas in Kashi. Watch.
- Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 26, 2019