Congress President Rahul Gandhi has filed nomination to contest the national election from Kerala's Wayanad, which is his second seat in addition to Amethi in Uttar Pradesh. The Congress leader landed in Wayanad by a chopper this morning, along with his sister Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, and led a roadshow to the election office. A massive crowd of Congress workers and supporters carrying party flags greeted the brother-sister duo as they started their roadshow to mark the beginning of Rahul Gandhi's Wayanad campaign. A marching band was also part of the procession.
Soon after filing his nomination, Rahul Gandhi declared that he would "not say a word against" the ruling Left. "There is a tussle between the Congress and the CPM, and that battle may continue in future, but I am here to tell the people of Kerala that while I will defend all the allegations made by CPM about me, I will not be making a single attack on the CPM. You will not hear a word against the CPM from me," said Rahul Gandhi.
Mr Gandhi landed in Kozhikode, 73 km from Wayanad, on Wednesday night to a grand welcome by hundreds of Congress workers. Priyanka Gandhi, who joined the party in January as one of its general secretaries in charge of Uttar Pradesh, had reached shortly before her brother.
Mr Gandhi is contesting from Wayanad in addition to his traditional stronghold of Amethi in Uttar Pradesh.
Here are the Highlights on Rahul Gandhi's Kerala visit:
#WATCH Congress President Rahul Gandhi holds a roadshow in Wayanad after filing nomination. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and Ramesh Chennithala also present. #Kerala
- ANI (@ANI) April 4, 2019
Congress President @RahulGandhi files his nomination in Wayanad, Kerala, for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. #RahulGandhiWayanad #RahulTharangam
- Congress (@INCIndia) April 4, 2019