In the run up to Lok Sabha election 2019, Congress president Rahul Gandhi will visit Jharkhand where he will address a rally at Simdega followed by a public meeting at Jaipur, Rajasthan. Simdega, where Rahul Gandhi will address a rally, is part of Khunti Lok Sabha constituency. Bharatiya Janata Party has won this seat six times since 1991 and lost to Congress only in 2004.
Earlier, on March 2 Mr Gandhi had addressed Parivartan Ulgulan Maha Rally in Ranchi along with JVM (P) president Babulal Marandi, JMM senior leader Simon Marandi and other senior leaders of Grand Alliance. Sources said that Mr Gandhi scion visit is assumed to be important, as through the rally, the Congress leadership will try to give a message of Grand Alliance unity.
Here are the LIVE Updates of the Lok Sabha elections 2019:
Punjab: Sunny Deol, BJP candidate from Gurdaspur parliamentary constituency offers prayer at the Gurdwara Dera Baba Nanak in Gurdaspur.
- ANI (@ANI) May 2, 2019