PM Modi addressing a rally in Jharkhand said that the ''mahamilawatis'' (opposition) have realized they stand no chance after three phases of elections and are looking for excuses to defend their poor show. He said "Just like a child who makes excuses to justify his under performance in exams, opposition parties have started directing their anger on the EVMs and the voting process for their shortfalls."
In a conversation with Akshay Kumar, the PM Modi today also shared a light moment with the actor and spoke about his likes and life in general. Dubbed a "non-political interview", short teasers of the interaction were released to the media on Tuesday. He called his journey to the post of Prime Minister "unnatural" and unreal.
The fourth phase of voting in the 2019 Lok Sabha election will take place across 71 parliamentary constituencies in nine states on 29 April.
Here are the highlights of PM Modi's Rallies:
- Your watchman's intentions are righteous and the policy is clear.
- On the other hand, the Congress has only nepotism and is thinking of keeping the poor poor.
- That is why, wherever the Congress government is being formed, it is shutting down the assistance to the tribals
- The Congress does not want to run the government for the service of the country, they just think of one family and they are devoted to it. The rest are just a votbank for them.
- Since independence, you will not be able to listen to any other family in the Congress. Apart from this family, the Congress does not see any more gems in India.
- Today terrorists know if they do something Modi will hunt them in hell also.
- The answer to Pakistan was given by your watchman's government. We got into the house and killed the terrorists; ended the terror.
- Remember the attitude of the Congress and its great adulterants on terror. These people are questioning our heroes who teach Pakistan A lesson.
- They are saying that bring the evidence, then we would agree that there was an attack on terrorists in Pakistan. They are doubting their heroism on the foundations of the brave soldiers of our country
- You saw two days ago how terrorists in Sri Lanka were bombing the church and other major places in the holy day of Easter. Terrorists take hundreds of lives on the day that reminds him of the message of Lord Jesus.
- In Delhi, if you have a strong government, we have been able to overcome Naxalism-Maoism today. The result of the BJP-NDA government's efforts is that there is a huge decline in the number of naxal affected districts in the country.
- In Jharkhand also, you are feeling that the areas where people were scared of getting out of the house earlier in the day, the conditions are now rapidly changing.
- Yesterday, there was a magnificent, lively scene that had to be seen. The entire Ranchi city stood up and blessed.
- The opposition used to abuse Modi but since yesterday they have started to abuse EVMs. It seems they have decided to pin the blame of the loss on EVMs, just like a student whose exam doesn't go well comes home and gives excuses like pen was not good etc.
- After three-phase polling and the voting for 300 seats, the opposition has no option but to openly accept.
- After yesterday's election, the faces of the opponents are hanging. They have also accepted that Modi government will return to power once again.