Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who is on a three-day tour of Uttar Pradesh, will conclude her campaign in the state with a visit to Faizabad today. She reached Ayodhya today, where the disputed Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid site is located. Priyanka Gandhi arrived in Uttar Pradesh on a three-day visit early on Wednesday. She had arrived at the Chaudhary Charan Singh airport in Lucknow to begin her campaign covering Amethi, Rae Bareli and Faizabad. Priyanka Gandhi had on March 21 completed a three-day river ride campaign from Prayagraj to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Lok Sabha constituency Varanasi.
Here are the highlights of Priyanka Gandhi Vadra's campaign in Uttar Pradesh:
WATCH | "People should vote intelligently, they should vote for the issues that matter," says Priyanka Gandhi Vadra #LokSabhaElections2019 #ElectionsWithNDTV
- NDTV (@ndtv) 29 March 2019