Congress leader Raj Babbar on Friday said party president Rahul Gandhi was the only alternative to the BJP. Accusing the Trinamool Congress of aiding the BJP's growth in West Bengal, Mr Babbar said the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee-led party has turned to violence as it was afraid that free and fair election might result in its defeat.
"The Congress will return to power after the Lok Sabha elections. Rahul Gandhi is the only alternative to the BJP in the country," said Mr Babbar, president of the Uttar Pradesh Congress unit.
"The TMC is afraid of free and fair polls. That is why it has resorted to violence. It is shameful that the party doesn't have any respect for democratic norms," he told reporters.
Mr Babbar referred to a recent interview of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to question the TMC's anti-BJP stand. In a televised interview on Tuesday, PM Modi said the Trinamool Congress chief sends him kurtas, which she chooses personally for him, and sweets, every year.
"People will have to rethink about TMC's credibility in fighting the BJP," he added.
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