With 10 days to go for the Lok Sabha elections 2019, Congress President Rahul Gandhi will be addressing rallies in Telangana today. Mr Gandhi will launch the Congress' campaign for the April 11 elections in Telangana by addressing the first rally in Zaheerabad. Before leaving for Zaheerabad, the Congress President will meet senior party leaders and the candidates to discuss election strategies. After the meeting, Mr Gandhi will reach Wanaparthy to address another election rally. He will end the day with a third rally at Huzurnagar.
The meetings will cover Zaheerabad, Nagarkurnool and Nalgonda Lok Sabha constituencies. People from other neighbouring constituencies would also be mobilised for the meetings. Mr Gandhi had addressed a public meeting at Shamshabad on the outskirts of Hyderabad before the announcement of the election schedule.
Here are the highlights from Rahul Gandhi's rallies in Zaheerabad, Wanaparthy and Huzurnagar:
- "When you vote for TRS, you are voting for Narendra Modi and the RSS-BJP. Don't waste your vote," says Rahul Gandhi in Telangana's Zaheerabad.
- UPA, if elected to power, will spend six per cent of GDP, on education, Congress president Rahul Gandhi said Monday at a rally in Zaheerabad, Telangana.
- We have mentioned it in the manifesto that the youth of this nation will not require any approval for the first three years after setting up a business. We want to help you: Rahul Gandhi
- "Your chief minister (K Chandrashekar Rao) supports them (BJP) in the Parliament. Your chief minister supports note ban, GST. The remote control is in Narendra Modi's hand. Did you chief minister raise the Rafale deal issue? Did he ever say 'Chowkidar chor hai'?" Rahul Gandhi has said in Zaheerabad, Telangana.