Actor-turned-politician Hema Malini, the BJP candidate from Uttar Pradesh's Mathura, is leading in her constituency where she is locked in a three-cornered fight. She faces RLD's Kunwar Narendra Singh, the Uttar Pradesh alliance's nominee and Congress's Mahesh Pathak, an industrialist who contested from Mathura in 1998 and lost.
Hema Malini is seeking a second term from Mathura, which voted in the second phase of national elections.
The actor-politician, whose election campaign got a boost when her actor-husband Dharmendra campaigned for her, insists that she herself had done a lot of work in the past five years.
Countering voters who claim they hardly saw their celebrity lawmaker in the past five years, the 70-year-old earlier asserted that she made "250 visits" to her constituency. She was also criticised for her campaign in the constituency.
In 2014, she had defeated RLD MP Jayant Chaudhary by 3.30 lakh votes.
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