Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) leader Jayant Chaudhary added to the cesspool of outrageous political attacks in the run-up to the national election as he used a thinly-veiled abuse word to hit out at the ruling BJP. He was fuming over Prime Minister Narendra Modi's acronym "Sarab" at a rally last week to criticize the Samajwadi Party, RLD and Bahujan Samaj Party alliance in Uttar Pradesh.
Speaking in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut on Thursday, PM Modi had combined "Sa of Samajwadi Party, Ra of RLD and Ba of BSP" and questioned his audience, "Is Sarab not harmful for the nation? Should we not avoid Sarab for our health?" Samajwadi leader Akhilesh Yadav, poking fun at PM Modi for misreading the teleprompter, pointed out that Sarab means "mirage" while Sharab is liquor.
Two days later, RLD's Jayant Chaudhary retaliated with his "new" word, which sounded just like an abuse word.
"They call you sharaabi (alcoholic) and they call you milavat (adulteration). So I have also thought of a name. I don't want to use abuses but these people are 'yeh bahut bahut bahut bade jutiye hain, jutiye, bahut jutiya party hai," said Jayant Chaudhary, the son of RLD chief Ajit Singh. He is contesting this month's national election from Baghpat in western Uttar Pradesh. The RLD is contesting two more seats in the region, Mathura and Muzaffarnagar.
Mr Chaudhary said the word "Jutiya" in reference to the incident last month in which a BJP parliamentarian hit his party legislator with a shoe while fighting over their names on the foundation stone for a project. But it also sounds similar to a Hindi swearword.
The RLD is a part of the BSP-Samajwadi Party gathbandhan or alliance for the election in Uttar Pradesh, which has 80 parliamentary seats.
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