Days after BJP veteran L K Advani said in a blog post that his party never regarded those who disagreed with it politically as "anti-national", the Shiv Sena Saturday sought to know the intention behind his remarks.
Quoting LK Advani's statement that elections are the celebration of the democracy and should be conducted in an impartial and fair manner, Sena sought towards whom his remarks were aimed.
"Lal Krishna Advani has finally broken his silence. This time he has expressed himself through writing...He wrote a blog, but it took five long years for him to do so," the Sena said in an editorial in its mouthpiece "Saamana".
"LK Advani said it is not the tradition of the BJP to consider its rivals as anti-nationals. He said the party never considered those who disagreed with it politically as anti-national or enemies, but only as adversaries.
"Since the statement was made by a senior leader like Advani, it became significant. He has expressed his mann ki baat' in a forceful way on the BJP's foundation day. But what is the intention behind the remarks made by one of founders of the BJP?" it asked.
Sena added that in election rallies, statements like ''opposition is speaking the language of Pakistan and enemies'' are being made.
"During the campaign, issues of development, progress, inflation have taken a backseat, while issues like Pakistan, national security have gained importance. It appeared that the issues of sacrifice of 40 jawans in Pulwama terror attack and subsequent airstrikes left all other issues behind. But it was temporary," the Sena said.
"Advani''s writing seems to suggest that just as the opposition is wrong in seeking the proof of air strikes, it is also improper to consider the opposition as anti-national. Those who are not with Modi, are not with the nation is the focal point of the BJP''s campaign and the opposition is not ready to accept it," it added.
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