Nakul Nath, son of former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath, will contest from Chhindwara in the Lok Sabha elections 2024. His father won from Chhindwara a record nine times. This time, Nakul Nath will contest against BJP's Vivek 'Bunty' Sahu.
Here are 5 facts about Nakul Nath:
Nakul Nath is one of the richest MPs in the country. He was born on June 21, 1974, in Kolkata. After completing his schooling at The Doon School in Dehradun, he studied Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from Bay State College in Boston, US.
The Congress leader made his electoral debut in 2019 from Chhindwara. Following in his father's footsteps, Nakul Nath defeated BJP candidate Nathan Shah by over 37,000 votes.
Nakul Nath is also a businessman with an estimated net worth of over Rs 650 crore, according to the affidavit he filed during the nominations for the Lok Sabha elections in 2019.
Nakul Nath and his father were in the news recently after a strong buzz that they may switch to the BJP before the national elections. The Congress had rubbished the reports and said Kamal Nath's ties were so close to the party that former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had called him her "third son" while campaigning for him in 1979. Later, Kamal Nath and Nakul Nath also shut down any talk of a switch.
Chhindwara remains a fort of the Naths. Between the three Naths (this includes Kamal Nath's wife Alka Nath's win in 1996), the Congress has won Chhindwara 11 times. In 2019, this was the only seat the party won in Madhya Pradesh with the BJP sweeping the state by winning 28 of the 29 seats.