As the counting of votes for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections got underway, the Lok Sabha Secretariat announced that the registration counters at the Parliament House complex for newly elected MPs will be operational from 2pm on Tuesday.
The registration counters will remain operational from June 5 to June 14. The MPs will be able to register themselves between 10am and 8pm.
The entire process will be online through an integrated software application to reduce paperwork and make formalities seamless.
"The integrated software application not only captures bio profile data of Hon'ble MP but also includes a solution for issuance of Parliament Identity Card based on Facial and Biometric Capturing and solution for issuance of CGHS card to Members & Spouses," read a press release from the Lok Sabha Secretariat.
To minimise complications arising out of the multi-desk approach, all registration-related formalities, nominations, transit accommodation and a host of other matters are proposed to be completed with minimum movement of members, it added.
How it was done earlier
Earlier, the registration of new Members of Parliament used to take place in the old Parliament House building, which is now known as Samvidhan Sadan. This time, the secretariat has made such arrangements in the Parliament House Annexe.
A team has been tasked with keeping a close eye on the official website of the Election Commission as results are announced on Tuesday and enter the contact details of successful candidates in near real-time.
With the help of a software application, the team will be able to easily identify the winning candidate and share the information with liaison officers.
To ensure faster communication, liaison officers from the same region and similar language skills have been deployed.
The newly elected MPs are being provided transit accommodation in the Western Court Annexe or State Bhavans. These are MPs, who don't have government accommodation in New Delhi.