The Election Commission on Friday directed its observers deployed for the first phase of Lok Sabha polls to ensure that fake news and misinformation is curbed in time and facts are conveyed to voters on a pro-active basis to steer a "positive narrative".
In a meeting, the poll watchdog also told its 127 general, 67 police and 167 expenditure observers to ensure efforts are made round the clock to block movement and distribution of cash, liquor, freebies and narcotics in poll-bound constituencies.
As many as 102 parliamentary constituencies in 21 states are scheduled to go to polls on April 19.
Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar and Election Commissioners Gyanesh Kumar and Sukhbir Singh Sandhu also underlined the need to ensure that polling stations contain all amenities for voters, especially to combat heat.
At the meet, the observers were directed to see that forces are optimally utilised and law and order is kept under strict watch.
The commission reminded them to remain physically available in the parliamentary constituency they are allotted during the entire election process.
The central observers were directed to check that "vulnerability mapping" is carried out fairly by the district administration and transportation and communication plan is prepared accordingly.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)