At least 63.5 per cent of the 8.75 crore voters in the 51 seats across the seven states have exercised their franchise in the fifth phase of Lok Sabha election, which is the lowest in all the phases so far, Election Commission data shows. According to the Commission's Voter Turnout android application, at 9.00 PM, the turnout in the Monday's polling was 63.5 per cent. This phase, the leanest with polling on 51 seats, was marked by violence in parts of Bengal and Jammu and Kashmir. In Bengal, two persons, including a BJP candidate, were injured in separate incidents. A grenade was thrown at a polling booth and an explosion set off elsewhere in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama.
The Ladakh constituency in Jammu and Kashmir, which went to polls Monday, recorded a turnout of 71.10 per cent at 10 PM as per the EC app. In 2014, the turnout was nearly the same at 71.9 per cent.
Nearly 700 candidates are contesting for the 51 seats spread across seven states in phase 5 of Lok Sabha elections 2019 today. Congress chief Rahul Gandhi, his mother and UPA chairperson, Sonia Gandhi, and six union ministers are some of the prominent candidates whose fate will be decided by over 8 crore voters in the seven states.
While 149 candidates have been fielded by national parties, 31 are representing state parties, and 252 candidates are contesting independently, Association for Democratic Reforms said.
Here are the Highlights on Lok Sabha Elections 2019 Phase 5 voting:
The polling could not take place in Patkura constituency on April 24 as Biju Janata Dal (BJD) candidate Bed Prakash Agarwalla passed away on April 20.
Election 2019: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, taking multiple digs at Mamata Banerjee in Bengal today while campaigning in the slog overs of the national election, accused the Chief Minister of arresting people who chanted "Jai Shri Ram".
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has been shredded by the opposition for his comment on Rajiv Gandhi, today amplified the argument, challenging the Congress to "fight polls in the name of the Bofors-accused former PM".
The turnout in the third and final phase of polling in Anantnag constituency is the lowest in Jammu and Kashmir in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.
But the Ladakh Lok Sabha constituency saw a 51.9 per cent voter turnout. The overall voter turnout in both Anantnag and Ladakh constituencies was 15.2 per cent, reported IANS.
Among early voters in the state capital included Home Minister Singh, BSP supremo Mayawati, Deputy Chief Minister Dinesh Sharma, BSP general secretary Satish Chandra Mishra, DGP OP Singh and Principal Secretary (Home) Arvind Kumar.
Election Commission of India officials here said polling was going on smoothly, barring some complaints of EVM malfunctioning which were attended to immediately, reported PTI.
Union minister and Bharatiya Janata Party's Amethi candidate Irani alleged that the Congress president was "ensuring booth capturing" in the constituency.
- About 59 per cent voter turnout was recorded till 5 pm Monday in 12 Lok Sabha seats in Rajasthan where two former Olympians are among the 134 candidates in the fray
- The maximum voter turnout of 68.89 per cent was recorded in the Ganganagar (SC) seat
- Jaipur, Churu and Alwar recorded 63.89 per cent, 61.21 per cent and 60.99 cent polling, respectively, according to the website of the chief electoral officer of Rajasthan
Polling percentage recorded till 4 pm: Bihar: 44.08%, Rajasthan: 50.44%, West Bengal: 63.57%, Jharkhand: 58.07%, Uttar Pradesh: 44.89%, Jammu and Kashmir: 15.51% #Phase5 #LokSabhaElections2019
- ANI (@ANI) May 6, 2019