Determined to exercise her franchise in the Lok Sabha polls, a 111-year-old woman travelled to a polling booth in a remote hamlet in Maharashtra's Naxal-affected Gadchiroli, a district official said on Saturday.
Braving the hot weather, Phulmati Sarkar travelled on a two-wheeler to a polling booth in Govindpur village in Mulchera taluka to cast her vote in the first phase of the Lok Sabha polls held on Friday, the official said.
The centenarian had earlier refused to use the "home voting" facility introduced by the Election Commission and insisted on visiting the polling centre, he said.
As per the details of her Aadhaar card, Sarkar, a resident of Govindpur, was born on January 1, 1913, and is 111 years old, the official said.
In a video, Sarkar is seen arriving at the polling centre accompanied by a relative and walking in eager to cast her vote.
Gadchiroli district collector Sanjay Daine and assistant election officer for Aheri Vidhan Sabha constituency Aditya Jivne appreciated the effort.
Sarkar has set an example for other voters by participating in the election process, they said.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)