The Election Commission on Saturday issued a show-cause notice to BJP's Chandigarh Lok Sabha candidate Kirron Kher for sharing a campaign video featuring children on Twitter. Giving her 24 hours to reply to the notice, the Office of District Nodal Officer said that it had received a complaint and a video link in which children could be seen actively participating in the election campaign shouting slogans - "Vote for Kirron Kher and Ab ki baar Modi Sarkar".
The complaint was filed by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCH) requesting the Election Commission of India to ensure that children are not involved in any form with election-related activities.
"Whatever happened was wrong... children were used. Somebody sent it to us, my team shared it and later deleted it, very sorry, it happened, it should not have happened," Ms Kher was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.
Kirron Kher will be contesting against old rival Pawan Kumar Bansal from the Chandigarh Lok Sabha seat on May 19. The counting of votes will take place on May 23.
(With inputs from ANI)
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