The The 17th Lok Sabha convened for the third day today with BJP leader from Rajasthan Om Birla being elected as the new Lok Sabha Speaker. A motion moved by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to choose Om Birla as Lok Sabha speaker was passed by voice vote in the Parliament.
PM Modi says: "Om Birla has been in public life for years. He began as a student leader and has been serving society since then, without a break. One more good thing about Om Birla is that he has worked to ensure people do not stay hungry in Kota."
Om Birla's candidature on Tuesday was backed by all NDA allies as also by the YSR Congress Party, the Biju Janata Dal and key opposition parties, including the Congress.
Several key bills are expected to be introduced in this session including the one that would make the practice of Triple Talaq illegal. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invited heads of all parties who have an MP either in the Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha for a meeting today to discuss several issues, including the "one nation, one election" idea, celebration of the 75 years of Independence in 2022 and 150 years of Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary this year.
Here are the Highlights from the Parliament:
"#OmBirla's life has been devoted to service": PM Modi in Lok Sabha
- NDTV (@ndtv) June 19, 2019