This Article is From Dec 27, 2011

Lokpal Bill debate: BJP's ideology is to destroy, says Kapil Sibal

New Delhi: Here are the highlights of what union minister Kapil Sibal said during the Lokpal Bill debate in Lok Sabha:

  • If you do not let this bill pass, the nation will never forgive you.  I respect Sushma ji, and when she lectures, I listen carefully.  But today, she spoke almost as a lawyer.  I compliment her for this. I will respond to her point by point
  • What we are discussing today- this has something to do with "Bhrashtachaar.  Bhrashtachaar" (corruption)
  • So this particular legislation has nothing to do with state public services, it has everything to do with corruption.  That is why it is not an attack on federal principles
  • Kapil to Sushma: Please let me speak
  • BJP is using technicalities. They want Lokpal to cover us (UPA) at Centre and not have a Lokayukta to hold them accountable in states
  • If you look at states, there is no big step that has been taken to fight corruption
  • States will have to create Lokayukta, there is no doubt about this.  Maybe Sushma-ji, you have not read the whole bill, na.  That is why you are not understanding it.
  • Sushma-ji is ignoring corruption in Karnataka.  BJP blames Centre for corruption, ignores it in their states
  • Neither the BJP or Sushma- ji have the answers.  The reality is they breed corruption in their homes, and blame it on others.
  • Let me tell you - if you oppose the Lokpal model for states- you are violating the Sense of the House and for this also, the country will not forgive you
  • Their strategy is to work with Anna, go to states and say the government doesn't want a tough Lokpal Bill, this is their strategy for the elections.
  • Is the Lokpal a government job?
  • 16 crore minorities cannot find a place or representation on the Lokpal - this is what the BJP says.  Minorities must have representation - this is justice.
  • The country is watching you more carefully than us. Because we have brought the Lokpal Bill.  Rest is upto you.  If you don't pass it, Sushma-ji, you will find yourself in a lot of trouble.  The road to power is always under construction.  For you, it was under construction in 2004; then in 2009; it will continue to be under construction in 2014
  • Should Lokpal alone have all the powers? We have carefully put in lots of checks and balances.   We will not let anyone or any provision violate the constitution.
  • Sibal sips water
  • Do CAG, Election Commission etc all favour us? Are we able to influence them? 
  • You said we have too many safeguards for an inquiry against the PM.  Like in-camera proceedings.  Many parties didn't want the PM to be covered by the Lokpal at all.  But we respected the views of the opposition, so we agreed to this.  At the all-party meeting, you said bring the PM under the Lokpal with conditions.   You fire indiscriminately. So then our riders have to be bullet-proof, isn't it?   If you look at this side of the house (UPA), you get what you see.  If you look at the other side of the house, you never get what you see. 
  • CBI has functional autonomy and it is on this basis that it is prosecuting cases.  Bill ensures independence of appointment of the Director of CBI.   We want autonomous independent CBI investigations.  When you sit in opposition, you attack CBI, when you are in power, you defend it.  
  • Country wants this bill passed asap
  • You (BJP) are a fabulous auditor.  Your motive is to destroy not to construct.  You have not given one constructive suggestion.  BJP has always said let the bill come to Parliament, then we will discuss it.  Do not let the country down, support the Lokpal Bill and have a Lokayukta in your state
