This Article is From Dec 29, 2011

Lokpal Bill debate in Rajya Sabha: Highlights of Abhishek Manu Singhvi's speech

New Delhi: As the Lokpal Bill is being debated in the Rajya Sabha, here are the highlights of what Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Congress spokesperson, said on the floor of the Upper House:

  • Would have invited Jaitley to help gift us a strong Lokpal as a birthday present. But BJP is parsimonious in giving birthday presents. So don't do it for our sake but join us in passing a Lokpal Bill for the sake of the nation. No use putting a string of conditionalities in your statements. No use saying I want to pass a strong effective bill after three months after referring it again to a committee, after further discussions. You are using conditionality as a pretext not to pass the Bill. If you don't want to pass the Bill, say so. Have the courage of your convictions.
  • On process of CBI and investigation, let's look at it seriously, not with the intent to ridicule. CBI is 70-year-old organization. Should birth of a Lokpal mean automatic destruction of every other institution? A 10-year-old CVC, a 70-year-old CBI?
  • You want one Lokpal, subsume CVC and CBI under Lokpal, move Citizen's Charter under Lokpal, allow Lokpal suo moto power, have prelim inquiry by Lokpal, actual investigation by Lokpal, prosecution by Lokpal. Thank God you did not say judgement must also come from Lokpal. You are creating a behemoth of unimaginable proportions. PM's office will look like pygmy in comparison.
  • You are creating breeding ground for corruption. You are making a body outside the whole system, with inherent conflict of interest. Our conception is of checks and balances. Of equilibrium between holy trinity of CBI, CVC and Lokpal. That is how our Constitution is framed. This bill abolishes need for prior sanction for investigation against govt servants. We have said for 60 years we should have some difference between prosecution and investigation. This separation is created by the bill.  
  • Which body does not offer slight majority for government in selection? Now we must create a law where government will be in minority in selection.
  • BJP says administrative control of CBI must be given to Lokpal. I hope nobody thinks CAG or CVC are sarkari bodies. They are independent in action in the Constitution. They have controlling authorities in different ministries. But just to earn a few brownie points, or because of state elections, you want to alter the structure so administrative authority does not lie anywhere. The minister in question replies to questions, seeks funding for these bodies.  
  • Are we talking of anarchy? There is a method to the madness we have here in India.
  • On your side as much as our side, CBI may have been interfered with. But with media entering 24X7 our bedrooms, you think it is possible - to control CBI?
  • By talking of federalism, Jaitley wants to play "naarad muni" and appeal to some of our friends on our side. You are talking of assault on federalism. But this discussion on Lokayukta clause and Article 253 was discussed with everyone. Article 252 is a national interest provision - how can it be an assault on federalism?
  • Want to clarify for our friends on this side (reference to TMC). Govt has bent over backwards and has already amended the law to say clause on Lokayukta will only apply with consent to the states. 253 says Parliament shall have power to make law, to allow implementation of treaty, but also to implement a decision taken at an international conference.  
  • We are both tee-totallers but your "constitutional cocktail" doesn't have any punch
  • On reservation for members of Lokpal - we don't ask for reservation, we ask for representation.
  • We have the courage of our conviction. We have walked the extra mile. We are pioneers of social engineering. We are brave enough to think differently, bold enough to act differently because we believe we can change the world
  • You are giving advance certificates of unconstitutionality. Your 50-year-old ideas of India I cannot change or help.
  • On Group C and D employees: They are under the Lokpal but covered by an appropriate mechanism (CVC). I cannot help it if our appropriate mechanism is not your appropriate mechanism. To simplify matters, there is not a sentence here in five lines of Pranab Mukherjee that suggests Citizen's Charter should or must be under the same Lokpal. Or that lower bureaucracy has to be directly under the Lokpal (reference to sense of the house resolution from August 27). When you went to Jantar Mantar (for Anna's debate), you wanted to hear the claps. So you never said a word opposing the Lokayuktas.
  • Just because a good idea is given by Congress General Secretary, it must be shot down - in reference to Rahul Gandhi's proposal to make Lokpal a constitutional body. In writing, you said there was no objection to this.  Then here you say yes we want constitutional status but only if we take away Lokayukta part and if we give strong bill. Now you and I have different ideas of strong bill but what does constitutional status affect the Lokayukta part? You are trying to find excuses to oppose constitutional status. So you don't want that, and you don't want the Lokpal Bill to be passed. It is an excellent idea - constitutional status.
