This Article is From May 08, 2012

Lokpal Bill returns to Rajya Sabha next week

Lokpal Bill returns to Rajya Sabha next week
New Delhi: The anti-corruption Lokpal Bill will be brought to the Rajya Sabha again next week.  

This version will have amendments to the bill that was debated  vigorously in December on the last  day of the winter session, which was concluded controversially without a vote. The opposition alleged that was orchestrated by the government to ensure it did not lose the vote - more than 200 amendments to the bill had been moved by different parties.

The Lokpal Bill creates a new national ombudsman with seven members who have the authority to investigate complaints of graft among government servants. The extent of the Lopkpal's powers and how the cases of alleged corruption would be investigated have created a huge debate within political parties and social activists led by Anna Hazare. The activists rejected the bill last year because they felt it creates an ombdusman with no teeth.

Late last year, the Lokpal Bill was passed by the lower house or Lok Sabha.  It then moved to the Rajya Sabha for consideration by the upper house. Because no vote was held, the process of considering the bill in its new form will start all over again. From the Rajya Sabha, the bill will go to the Lok Sabha which will re-examine it because this is a different version than the one cleared earlier.
The government has begun consulting with different political parties to build consensus around the bill.