The Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, said on Saturday that the state has faced the harshest rain and flood disasters in the past 75 years. He also said that the loss incurred by the state due to the rain-induced damages could reach 8,000 crore rupees.
The Chief Minister said there is a need for immediate financial relief from the Union Government.
"The central team has visited the state. We have demanded the pending 315 crore rupees of the 2022-23 disaster fund from the Union Government. The loss is estimated to be 8,000 Crore rupees. We are trying to restore the roads, electricity and water supply in the region," said the Chief Minister while talking to the media.
The Chief Minister said that Himachal need immediate relief from the Union Government in this disaster situation. On the continuous heavy rain alert, he said teams are ready and the priority is to save the lives of the people.
The CM accused the former Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur of playing politics at the time of the disaster.
"It is not right to say that the disaster relief money has been given by the union government. I don't want to answer Jai Ram Thakur. He is doing politics on it. But I would request him that we should go altogether with all parties to get the first installment of disaster relief to Himachal Pradesh," Mr Sukhu said.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)