A lost bag containing over Rs. 1 lakh and valuables were returned to its owner who forgot to pick it up from the x-ray machine at a metro station in Delhi.
Munish Kumar, a resident of Anand Vihar in New Delhi, thanked the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and appreciated their alertness and honesty for securing and returning him his bag containing Rs. 1,08,000, two passports, and some valuables.
Mr. Kumar was traveling in the Delhi metro and had forgotten to pick up his bag from the output roller of the x-ray machine after his security check.
CISF personnel at the Dwarka Sector 21 metro station noticed the unclaimed bag, checked it for security, and retrieved CCTV footage to identify the owner. After confirming that there was no dangerous or hazardous item inside the bag, it was deposited at the Station Controller. An announcement was then made at the station and nearby stations for the owner to collect the bag.
After some time, 54-year-old Mr. Kumar appeared at the security checkpoint and claimed the bag. He was brought to the Station Controller Room and after proper verification, the bag containing the cash and valuables was returned to him.