Two youngsters arrested for snatching a bag containing Rs 40,000 from a woman in Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur district have claimed that they committed the crime to pay the competitive exam coaching fees and house rent, police said on Tuesday.
The accused duo had conducted a recce of banks before committing the crime on July 13 in Budhagar village, said Gosalpur police station in-charge HR Sinha.
The incident occurred after a couple withdrew Rs 40,000 credited in their account under the Pradhan Mantri Awa Yojana (PMAY) from a bank in the village.
"When the couple stopped to purchase fruits from a roadside vendor, the accused came on a motorcycle and snatched the bag containing cash from the woman," said Sinha.
Police tracked the duo, identified as Shubham Shukla alias Arpan (19) and Abhishek Shukla alias Bachchi (18.6 years), with the help of CCTV footage and arrested them. They are residents of Misiriha village in the Rewa district.
During the interrogation, Arpan told the police that his family has been facing financial trouble and they have no money to pay the fees for his competitive examination coaching and also house rent in Jabalpur, Sinha said.
He said Arpan's friend Abhishek is also taking coaching for competitive examinations in Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh). He is also facing financial trouble, said the police officer.
"Arpan told the police that it was Abhishek's idea to rob someone for money. They conducted a recce of banks for many days before zeroing on the couple who withdrew Rs 40,000," he said.
A local court sent them to jail on Tuesday.