Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan credited the impressive victory in the assembly election to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "double engine government" and useful initiatives such as the Ladli Scheme.
The BJP has won 163 seats against the Congress's 64 in the 230-member assembly, the leads show in the election results. The party has also won in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh, previously held by the Congress.
"Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in the hearts of the people of Madhya Pradesh. The work done by the double-engine government, whether in the Centre or the state, such as the Ladli scheme, has helped uplift people and improve their lives. All of us have worked hard together," Mr Chouhan told NDTV today.
"I have always said this, and I will say it again, that I never saw any feelings of anti-incumbency among the people. They are pro-incumbency. Some Congress people tried to mislead the people, but people trusted us," the Chief Minister said.
On whether he would become Chief Minister for a fifth time, the seasoned BJP leader said, "I do not take decisions on such a matter. The party decides our roles."
Polling in the single-phase election on November 17 saw an impressive turnout of 77.82 per cent, surpassing the 2018 voting percentage of 75.63 per cent.
The people voted for 2,533 candidates in 230 constituencies. There were 5.59 lakh eligible voters.