Lokayukta police have searched the premises of a jail official in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior and Morena cities, and seized Rs 12.5 lakh cash and other assets "more than 100 times" his known sources of income, an official said on Sunday.
Following a complaint, the Lokayukta special police establishment conducted the search on Saturday at the premises of assistant jailer Hariom Parashar, posted at the Morena district jail, and unearthed unaccounted wealth, Lokayukta Deputy Superintendent of Police Raghvendra Rishishwar said.
The police found Rs 12.5 lakh cash, jewellery worth Rs 12 lakh and land related documents which were being examined, he said.
"The assets found were more than 100 times his known sources of income," the official said.
The jailer's bank lockers will also be scrutinised soon, he added.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
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