Days after Jyotiraditya Scindia and 22 Congress MLAs resigned, leaving the future of the Kamal Nath-led government in doubt, Madhya Pradesh Governor Lalji Tandon had directed assembly speaker Narmada Prasad Prajapati to hold a floor test tomorrow.
The speaker on Saturday ha accepted the resignations of six rebel ministers. The decision brought down the number of MLAs supporting Congress.
The effective strength of the 230-member assembly has shrunk to 222 (two seats were already vacant due to death of two MLAs)
Here are the Highlights on Madhya Pradesh government crisis:
Madhya Pradesh Congress MLAs who were lodged in a resort in Jaipur, arrive in Bhopal. Governor Lalji Tandon has directed that a floor test be held in the assembly tomorrow
- ANI (@ANI) March 15, 2020