A gang of thieves allegedly robbed three ATMs and decamped with over Rs 42 lakh after breaking the machines with gas cutters and spraying black paint on CCTV cameras in Madhya Pradesh's Shivpuri district, police said on Saturday.
The incident took place at three different ATM kiosks in Shivpuri city on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday, sub-divisional officer of police (SDOP) Ajay Bhargav said.
The thieves allegedly used gas cutters to break the machines and sprayed black paint on the CCTVs, he said.
At least Rs 19.26 lakh was stolen from a State Bank of India (SBI) ATM at Gwalior bypass, while the accused stole Rs 22.89 lakh from another SBI ATM half a kilometre away, the official said.
The thieves also broke into an Axis Bank ATM, but couldn't take the cash, he added.
The police are examining CCTV footage from the vicinity of these premises to track down the accused, the official said.